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Front-End React Developer

I'm Yachu Hsieh 👋 A passionate Front-End React Developer coupled with strong foundation in product management skills.

Tech Stack

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A Dedicated Developer constantly seeking for growth 🚀

  • I have a holistic understanding and great passion for building products. My career journey spans marketing, product management and now web development, fostering a holistic understanding of product development and a strong focus on user experience. Delving deeper into the core of product development, I discovered my passion for programming and transitioned to a career as a software engineer.

  • I excel as both a strong leader and a valuable team player. During my time as a product manager, I’ve honed my leadership and communication skills, thriving in cross-functional collaboration to deliver outstanding web applications.

  • I am a highly self-motivated problem-solver and dedicated to continuous improvement. Thriving in dynamic startup environments, I prioritize continuous learning and growth. As a self-taught developer, I've had hands-on experience in RWD development, JavaScript ES6+, React.js and Git. My quick learning ability and insatiable curiosity has led me to keep acquiring new skills and exploring innovative solutions.

    I believe blogging is a great way to solidify my understanding: 前端工程師筆記



  • HTML5
  • Javascript (ES6+)
  • ReactJS, React Hooks, React Router
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Bootstrap 5
  • ESLint, Prettier
  • RESTful API


  • Node.js (basic)
  • Express.js (basic)
  • Database (basic) - PostgreSQL, MongoDB


      Version Control
    • Git, GitHub
      Wireframe & UI
    • Figma, Sketch, Adobe Illustrator

    Project Management

  • Asana, Azure DevOps, Trello
  • Other

  • API tool - Postman, Swagger
  • Wordpress


  • Mandarin, Taiwanese (native)
  • English (fluent)

Some Things I've Built

EasySplit 拆帳趣

Online Bill-Splitting Website

EasySplit helps people manage, share and split expenses easily with their family and friends.

  • Built with ReactJS (hooks, React Router)
  • Performed input validation via React Hook Form
  • Used Axios for calling RESTful APIs
  • Implemented Tailwind CSS with custom styles and components
  • Implemented ESLint & Prettier to maintain a cleaner code base
  • ReactJS
  • React Router
  • TailwindCSS
  • ESLint


AI Face Detector

AI face detector tool, demonstrating both frontend and backend development.

  • Frontend built with ReactJS & Vite
  • Backend built with Node.js & Express.js, deployed on Render
  • Supported AI face detection with Clarifai API
  • Implemented React Hook Form for form validation
  • Synced user's data with PostgreSQL database
  • Hashed user's password for protection with bcrypt
  • ReactJS
  • Axios
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • ESLint
  • PostgreSQL


E-Commerce Website

A Javascript assignment from HexSchool

  • Used Axios for calling RESTful APIs
  • Integrated Validate.js to perform input validation and error handling
  • Implemented C3.js to display realtime piechart
  • Javascript
  • Axios
  • Validate.js
  • C3.js
  • ESLint

Online Todo List

To do list app

A Javascript assignment from HexSchool

  • Used Fetch API for calling RESTful APIs
  • Improved user experience by RWD using SASS
  • Added sweetalert2 to enhance alert and confirmation functionality
  • Javascript
  • RWD
  • SPA
  • SASS

Coding Home

Online Coding Tutor (web layout)

A web layout homework of HexSchool course. Featuring RWD layout, hamburger menu & modal in pure Javascript, and using 3rd party packages such as Vanilla-JS-Datepicker and Swiper.

  • RWD
  • Javascript
  • TailwindCSS
  • EJS
  • Gulp

Optimal Sunglasses

E-commerce website (web layout)

A web layout assignment from HexSchool course showcasing a RWD, custom JS-coded hamburger menu & dropdown, and developed using SCSS.

  • RWD
  • Javascript
  • SCSS
  • EJS
  • Gulp

Work Experience

  1. business_center

    Product Manager

    • Led the product development from 0 to 1. Worked closely with in-house and outsourced development team to drive prototype creation and product launch of the online learning platform and content management system.
    • Collaborated with cross-functional teams and define product roadmap. Managed and prioritized product backlog items to meet business needs and improve user retention rates.
    • Increased sales by implementing a payment gateway with a third-party API and transitioning to a subscription business model.
    • Successfully launched homework management system, onboarding procedure, and LINE OA learning assistant by implementing third-party APIs to expedite the development process within limited time and resources.
    • Enhanced the user learning experience by introducing the PBL system, online group study forum, and redesigning the homepage.
    • Implemented the SCRUM methodology within the development team, enhancing teamwork efficiency. Achieved product build and launch within a timeframe of less than 3 months.
    • Created flow charts, wireframes, wireflows, detailed PRD documents for the product.
  2. business_center

    Product Manager

    Mithril & MachiX (Taipei, TW)

    • Collaborated closely with the development team to successfully launch prototypes and product features on various platforms, including Web, Android, and iOS.
    • Utilized data analysis, A/B testing, and user research to redesign the homepage, resulting in a 20% increase in average click-through rate.
    • Implemented KYC and AML procedures using third-party APIs to ensure asset safety and mitigate risks related to money laundering and other legal issues.
    • Collaborated with the marketing and sales teams to integrate Mithril Pay with external partners, enabling real-life digital currency payments.
  3. business_center

    Digital Marketing Director

    Neuin Group 中子文化 (Taipei, TW)

    • Led and developed digital marketing training programs for marketing teams across multiple subsidiaries.
    • Implemented data analytical tools such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and more to conduct in-depth data analysis for optimizing the customer buying journey.
    • Supervised and provided guidance and feedback to fellow marketing professionals.
  4. business_center


    Qollie 求職天眼通 (Taipei, TW)

    • Selected as a participant of AppWorks Accelerator Program 14, the largest startup accelerator program in Asia.
    • Conducted marketing surveys and user interviews to define product strategies and ensure alignment with user needs, resulting in over 11 million unique page views and more than 100,000 registered users within a single year.
    • Achieved a significant milestone of over 100,000 unique page views on our blog within 3 months by implementing content marketing ideas and forging partnerships with writers.
  5. business_center

    Marketing Specialist

    VoiceTube 紅點子科技 (Taipei, TW)

    • Implemented ASO strategies to track and optimize data, resulting in the app being ranked No.1 in the Education category on both the iTunes and Google Play Store. App had accumulated over 2M downloads up to 2017.
    • Initiated and designed LINE bot, securing a partnership with LINE and amassing 60,000 followers on the platform.
    • Led and managed a team of 3 interns responsible for social media and blog content. Through user behavior analysis and content optimization, achieved an additional 26,000 followers on Instagram.

Other Professional Experience

  • school

    HexSchool 六角學院

    Coding Teaching Assistant

    Assisted in grading assignments, providing feedback, and answering students' questions online.

  • groups

    BizThinking Academy 商業思維學院

    President of Product Club

    Led a team of 14. Organized courses, bootcamps, and community operations. Hosted 10+ events with 3000+ attendees.

  • rocket_launch

    zeczec 嘖嘖

    Project Manager (part-time)

    As a part-time project manager in Taiwan's leading crwodfunding company, I supported 100+ clients,facilitating the achievement of their crowdfunding goals.

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    MITH Hackathon

    Hackathon Champion

    Participated & won the champion in MITH Hackathon. Integrated MITH token with our platform "Qollie," rewarding users for actively sharing reviews through social mining mechanism.